Truth Inspired Posts

We create posts inspired by God’s word and life experiences to stir your faith and to challenge you to pursue God & a life of holiness

In the Middle of the Storm

The Christian journey is one that features struggles, hardships, trials and test. Look through scripture and see that every man/woman who followed God went through some kind of difficulty or storm, including Jesus. And as much as these struggles are common, we do find ourselves, from time to time, shifting our gaze to the height, the width and strength of

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Importance of Fellowship/Community| My Story

Happy Monday Ladies! Today, I will be sharing with you the Importance of Fellowship/Community. However, this isn’t your normal Monday Morning Devotional as I will be sharing with you my personal story & journey when it came to realizing the importance fellowship and having a

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My Top 5 Christian Women Reads

Happy Monday Ladies! Today’s post is going to be a little bit different because today I will be sharing with you My Top 5 Christian reads for Women. When I sent an email to you asking you what you would like me

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Rejoice in Trials

Rejoicing in trials, an oxymoron right?? By definition, ‘rejoice’ means to be glad; to feel or show great joy or delight. So then, how are we supposed to be glad and express great joy when we are going through hell and high water?

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Are You Bearing Fruit?

“I am the Vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him bears much fruit, for [otherwise] apart from Me [that is, cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing.” John 15:5 AMP Tweet

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5 Tips for your Devotion Time

Hey sis! In today’s post, I am going to share with you 5 tips for your devotion time which will help you get the most out of your quiet time with Jesus. Let’s get right into it! Let go of the pursuit of

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What Are your Goals for 2021?

What are your Goals for this New Year?? What do you have planned out for this year…? Even as you think about the answer to this, I would like to invite you to surrender.Surrender it to God. Wait, what?Surrender?The goals I have planned

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A Study on James 3

The Book of James The Book of James is a letter written by James (Jacob), the Brother of Jesus, and it is was one of the first letters to be written to the early church sometime between AD 45-47. In this book, James

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Are You Exhausted?

Are you exhausted? Physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally? Are you weary? Do you have a lot on your plate, a lot on your mind and it is overwhelming you and weighing in on you?? Take a step back, and just be still. I

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Soul Check

For the past few weeks, I have been studying the book of Jeremiah, and not only is it a historical book that recounts the fall, redemption and love for Israel, but it is a book that mirrors us, our sin and our need

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A Freebie just for you!

The UnScripted Bible Reading Guide

Struggling with understanding the Bible? Feeling frustrated because you’re not gaining much from your Bible Reading time? Then this Guide is for you!

The UnScripted Bible Reading Guide is a bible guide that outlines key steps to follow, and questions to ask yourself that will equip you to understand the main messages & themes found in scripture, empowering you to study the Word with clarity and confidence.


Teaching and empowering women to be who God created them to be and to step into their calling & purpose


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