The Bible is the very word of God, through which God communicates with us His heart, will and ways. It is also a manual that contains instructions for life, corrections of error restoring us back to God and training us in righteousness.
Through this book, we as women discover who God is, and as result, we discover who we are and what we were created to do.
But the modern day woman – that is you and I – spends more time on social media and engaging in other activities than she does in the word of God.
She has become a victim of laziness and complacency, moving with her feelings of whether or not she feels like reading her Bible.
She is also a victim of the lie of the enemy that reading the Bible is nearly impossible, and discipline in this area cannot be achieved, so why try!
But all this is a strategy of the enemy to keep us, to keep YOU from reading the Word, because he knows that if you get into the Word, you will discover who you are as a Daughter of God, walking in your true identity as you arise in your God-given assignment, releasing chaos into the Kingdom of darkness.