Importance of Fellowship/Community| My Story


Happy Monday Ladies!

Today, I will be sharing with you the Importance of Fellowship/Community. However, this isn’t your normal Monday Morning Devotional as I will be sharing with you my personal story & journey when it came to realizing the importance fellowship and having a community.

Now, one thing I can tell you about myself is that I enjoy spending time with people. I am an extrovert (94% extroverted to be precise. know! That’s a lot!) and we extroverts tend to draw energy from people.
We get excited when we are around people and we absolutely love it when we get to spend time with our friends and those we love. On top of that, one of my love language is quality time so one way I receive love and feel loved is through spending time with people.
But it’s always not that simple.

Having these 2 attributes in me placed a major importance of having people around and there for me (community); and not just anyone but people who genuinely love and care about your well-being and want the best for you.


In my case, I had such people in my life but somewhere along the way my friends and I were not communicating as much.

And you know what happens when you stop communicating with your friends or family: you guys drift.

As much as people say ‘our friendship is the type of friendship where we can go for 3 months without speaking and we’ll

pick of where we left of’, lack of communication and connecting with the other affects your relationships.

Yes, you pick off where you left off but things will no longer be the same.

"It's the things that we do and don't talk about that negatively affect our relationships."

Now back to the story:

As aforementioned, we weren’t talking much and we began to drift.

Assumptions about the other began to be formed. Offence began to take root and loneliness began to creep in.

Now right about this time was when I began to really struggle with doubt, worry, fear & anxiety (I call it the 4-headed demon).I was having a really hard time wrapping my head around my purpose the things God had called me to do, one of them being UnScripted.

I was battling thoughts of whether or not I could really do this, if I was qualified and had the capacity to do so. It felt like what God had set me apart to do was way too big for me and I would just fail at it.

The devil was having a heck of a time causing chaos in my heart and mind.

Unfortunately, I succumbed to it.

It took me under. And I broke down.

And when my sister asked me what was wrong and I told her, she answered me by saying, ‘Why didn’t you say anything? Why didn’t you ask for help?’

Because: 1)I thought that if I pray and fight it hard

enough, I will overcome.

Yet some battles you can’t just fight on your own (you need others to fight with you and om your behalf) and

2)I had neglected my relationships.


That day, after being asked that question is when I realized; truly realized the importance of community and of interacting with other like-minded believers.

The notion that you don’t need people in your life or you don’t need to interact with other believers is a lie.

We can’t do life alone, neither can we walk this walk of faith.

The devil aims to isolate us so that we can not only struggle alone but also believe the lie that no one really cares about us or wants to be in relationship with us.

In Acts 2:42 the believers of Old valued fellowshipping with one another where they would come together in one mind, break bread together, worship together and give to those who didn’t have.


How many times have we, as believers met together with other believers to just sit together, know how we’re all doing and read the Word?

And I don’t mean in church, but outside of church.

When was the last time you called up your friend and asked how they were doing and how they’re relationship with God was?

This experience that I have shared with you has taught me to be more intentional when it comes to my relationships and to be intentional to fellowship with other believers.

I am not perfect at it, but I am proud to say I am trying.

There are days I forget but I will keep trying.

Because I need those people in my life. I need friends and people in my life who are sold out for Jesus as much as I am with whom we can do life with and grow together.

REMEMBER: You were created for fellowship. You were never created to do this life alone and to walk this walk of faith alone.


Hebrews 10:25 AMP

not forsaking our meeting together [as believers for worship and instruction], as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more [faithfully] as you see the day of Christ’s return approaching.

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Before you go...

We have all seen the importance of having a community of like-minded people (especially if you are a Christian) around us and the importance of fellowshipping with them and its impact on our walk of faith.

If you have been searching for this, I would like to invite you to join the UnScripted Sisterhood WhatsApp Group.

In the group, you will:

~Meet & interact with a community of like-minded women, all seeking to grow in faith.

~Receive encouragement as you navigate through your journey of life, faith and womanhood and the seasons it will bring.

~Experience Corporate prayer and spiritual covering + guidance.

~Have access to monthly Zoom Meetings for Bible Studies and Teaching sessions.


If this is for you, click here to join!

I will see you on the inside!

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hello & welcome.

My name is Renee, the founder of and main content creator for UnScripted.

Thank you so much for stopping by and I pray you get encouraged and your faith is stirred while you’re here, as we are here to empower you to be the woman God wants you to be.

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