

I hope you are doing well, that you began the new year well, with joy and thankfulness for how far the Lord has brought you.

I just wanted to come on here and just bless you.

That ‘The LORD bless you, and keep you [protect you, sustain you and guard you]; The LORD make His face shine upon you with [favor], And be gracious to you [surrounding you with lovingkindness]; The Lord lift up His countenance (face) upon you with [divine approval], And give you peace [a tranquil heart].’

(Numbers 6:24-27- The Priestly Blessing)

Let this be the year that any stronghold or bondage that is holding on to your life, your purpose, your destiny, your family- any & every aspect of your life, be broken and loosed of of you in the name of Jesus.

Let this year be the year where you don’t struggle with the things that you struggled with in 2019 and in the past years, but a year where you lay it all down at Jesus’ feet and let him fight for you.

And as he fights for you, you experience the joy and peace that he has for you.

Let this be the year that God begins to pick on the things hidden deep within you that need to be uprooted, that need to be dealt with, that need to be healed and brings them up so that he can begin to work on your heart and your identity.

Let this be the year that God begins to mold you into the person he longs for you to become- beautiful and radiant than ever before.

Let this be the year when you begin to flourish and bloom in the purpose & calling that God has for you. May you begin to see His word begin to manifest in your life and that which it was purposed to do begin to come to pass. (Isaiah 55:11)

Let this be the year that you maintain a posture of submission and surrender; where you remain at Jesus’ feet, ready to receive from him and draw from him, as he fills you up till you overflow.

Let 2020 be the year.

In Jesus name, AMEN!

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hello & welcome.

My name is Renee, the founder of and main content creator for UnScripted.

Thank you so much for stopping by and I pray you get encouraged and your faith is stirred while you’re here, as we are here to empower you to be the woman God wants you to be.

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