Before the year 2022 came to an end, I kept hearing in my spirit, ‘Soar! Soar!’
I had it quite a number of times that I began to question the Holy Spirit and ask Him, ‘What do you mean by soar?’
At some point I began to ask Him if this was what He wanted to be the theme of UnScripted in 2023, but it was not till January of this year, that the Lord released ‘SOAR!’ as the UnScripted Theme of 2023.

To soar to greater heights!
To soar in your relationship with God: to experience deeper and sweeter dimensions of God: deeper communion and building an intimate relationship with Him through prayer and reading the word, meaning that this year, we are to grow our prayer life and become even more disciplined when it comes to reading the word of God.
This is also the year to be intentional about renewing your mind (this was also something that we echoed a lot in 2022, a truth we will continue to emphasize on) being aware of the fact that your thoughts and your mentality dictate your life (as a man thinketh, so is he – Proverbs 23:7a) and that your mind needs to arise; it needs to soar to the place that it aligns and looks like the Word of God!
This year, notice and take hold of the negative thought patterns and mentalities that you have about God; about others; about various aspects of life such as relationships and about yourself, and replace them with what the word of God says about those things (which points back to the point that you have to be a woman in the word).
Furthermore, take charge of your emotions and feelings.
We are living in a society where our emotions; especially negative ones, are being glorified above God in the name of ‘validation’ and ‘this is my truth.’
Daughter of God, you are a human being created with emotions, hence your emotions are important, especially to God, but they are not the final say.
Do not allow your emotions to take the place of truth that they begin to control you and dictate what you should or shouldn’t do. Exercise self-control and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you when it comes to processing your negative emotions and how to act thereafter.
Moreover, this is also the year to soar and grow in the area of gaining knowledge, and both biblical knowledge and knowledge regarding various facets of life, i.e.,
- Finances
- Relationships & Marriage
- Business & Entrepreneurship
- Health & Fitness etc.,
Read books, take courses, attend workshops, get a mentor, learn from those who have gone ahead of you and take advantage of the resources available to you.
Let the word of God be the foundation of the knowledge you seek, and begin to gain knowledge in these aforementioned areas (and others, of course), especially from seasoned men and women of God who have been raised up in these areas, because they will use the word of God as their foundation.
So sis, this year is the year to SOAR!
God has given us all we need in the Holy Spirit, so, take a hold of this word, submit to Him and let him guide you so you can SOAR!
As for us, as a ministry, we are running with this word.
We are not settling for anything less than SOARING, Kingdom Takeoff and Influence (and neither should you), and you will see it this year: in our activities, in our content – in EVERYTHING!
And so will YOU!
Be blessed!
"But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun]; They will run and not become weary, They will walk and not grow tired."
Isaiah 40:31 AMP