Preparation | A Prophetic Word

SSS Neutral Territory 1

On Saturday 17th July, when I woke up in the morning, I kept hearing in my spirit “Preparation…Preparation..Prepare.” and at first I was like, “What? What does that mean?”

I had no idea what it meant or what God was trying to say.

One practice that I have been learning (and continue to learn) is that whenever God puts a word in your Spirit, or prompts you concerning something, it is important to pay attention to what He is trying to say. Put everything aside, be still (be quiet, quiet your mind and heart) and listen to what He wants to say.

So that’s what I did.

I sat on my bed, kept quiet and told the Holy Spirit to do what He wanted to do.

He then began to share with me more on this word, ‘Preparation‘, and this is what He had to say.

The Word of the Lord

This is a Preparation season for my people. It is preparation for revival.

I am preparing two types of people: those who will lead the revival, and the hearts of those who will be impacted by the revival.

For those whom are to lead the revival, many are asking, “Lord, When?” or “When will I begin doing
that which the Lord has called me to do?”

Get into the secret place and prepare. I am calling you into the secret place to prepare.
I need to teach you and mold you so that you are prepared for what you are meant to do. 

I need to align your hearts and will with mine so that you are not drawn away when you step out (drawn away by the treasures of this world such as fame, attention).

Go into the secret place.
Don’t delay. For if you delay, then revival delays.
Those whose hearts I am preparing for the revival experience delay.

For those who are waiting for the revival: pray against delay.
Pray for the grace and speed of God.

Pray. Pray. Pray.

Revival is near.”

Friends, revival is near.

Joel 2:28-29 speaks of it, where God says that in the last days, “I shall pour out My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and your daughters will prophesy,
Your old men will dream dreams, Your young men will see visions.
Even on the male and female servants, 
I will pour out My Spirit in those days.”

We are in those times, when God is pouring out His Spirit on His people.

He is raising up men and women in this last days who will unashamedly spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, making disciples of all men, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

He is raising up Joshua’s, who will meditate on His word, being careful to do that which is written it, and who are unafraid to stand for God’s Kingdom.

He is raising up Samuels’s – priests of this time who will stand for and live out lives of holiness; who will be examples of living that honor God.

The question is, will you be apart of it? Will you be apart of what God is doing?

Many of us will read this and dismiss it. Others will question the vessel that has been used to deliver this word.

Others won’t fully understand it and will not do anything to seek understanding.

But there are those who will read this, and their spirits will be stirred, who will then go into the secret place and seek God.

I urge you to be the latter.

Get into the Secret place.

I urge you to get into the secret place; into the prayer closet and seek God.


Surrender and submit to God where you need to. Repent where you need to and align your life with God’s will.

Spend more time in the word, forsaking things that will draw you away from God or that will take His place.

This is the time to seek God more than we ever have.

And pray, pray for the revival that is coming, that you too will be apart of it.

Let those who have ears, let them hear.

~Be Blessed.

I urge you to share this word with other believers, and also ask that you pray for the body of Christ and for the season we are in.

Feel free to reach out to us via email, or by dropping a comment in the comment box below!

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