
There is no fear in love [dread does not exist]. But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear…

1 JOHN 4:18A


An all to common word known to each of us.

An emotion, a feeling and thoughts, that once they creep into your heart, mind and spirit, you can’t do anything. You cannot function.

It paralyzes you. It sneaks up on you, grips your heart and whispers in your ear, ‘You can’t do it’, ‘Can you really do it?’, ‘You’ll look like a fool.’, ‘Who’ll care about what you have to say?’.

All in a mocking tone. A degrading tone. A tone that holds your attention just long enough so it can pull you into a hole where you shrivel and sink, wishing you could disappear.

But, what if you didn’t pay attention to this voices? What if you refused to listen? Easier said than done, right?

I have struggled with fear. Struggled with such thoughts that cripple you leaving you glued to your chair.

And this same struggle taught me that fear is only as powerful as you let it be.

Why do I say so? Because:

1)Fear is more than emotion; it is a tool the enemy uses against you.

We all feel and experience fear. We feel it deep within our beings, almost at the center of our hearts, sending cold chills down our spine as it whispers into our ears. But, what no one tells you is that the enemy uses it to prevent you from doing what God wants you to do; from fulfilling your God-given purpose.

Yes! Fear is of the enemy!

Why? Because Fear is the opposite of love and God is love therefore fear cannot be of God.

Fear is not of God!

1 JOHN 4:18

Why is the devil so concerned about paralyzing you with fear?

Because he will take your focus of of Jesus and keep your focus on your circumstances, the storms, the valleys and just like Peter who began to sank after he focused on the storm around him and not on Jesus (Matthew 14: 28-31)

2)This enemy who comes up against you, through fear, there is a name he bows to; and that name is the name of Jesus.

Jesus came to earth, was crucified, and he rose again and ‘all authority in heaven and on earth was given to him’ (Matthew 28:18) given to Him by God the Father (Mt. 11:27) .

“God raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.”

Ephesians 1:20-21

He has authority over every power. Over E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.

Every knee will bow and tongue confess in submission to the name of Jesus [Philippians 2:10] including that fear!

Furthermore, the authority and power over everything in the heavens and under the heavens doesn’t stop with Jesus. In John 15:15, Jesus calls us friends and not servants, and because we are his friends, and sons of God (John 1:12) and through the Holy Spirit, we too have that same power, authority, dominion over everything in the heavens and under the heavens.

Psalm 91:13, Luke 10:19 says we have been given the authority, the ability to exercise this authority over all the power of the enemy; including the power of fear. That means we can stand on the name of Jesus, the word of God with boldness and silence the voice of fear in our lives and hearts.

“And they overcame and conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony

Revelation 12:11a

Because of this, whenever fear rises up to paralyze you, you can ‘look it dead in the eye’ and tell it that this is your turf, your place ruled and dominated by the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and their is no place for its lies! As Heather Lindsey says ‘when the devil rises up to tell you lies, remind him of who he is and what his destiny is: to burn in eternal hell‘.

It’s time for us to change the narrative of fear in our lives and let God show us how we can be free from it.

So beloved, REMEMBER:

“Fear is only as Powerful as you let it be. And you have the power and authority over it, through Jesus.”


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