My Top 5 Christian Women Reads


Happy Monday Ladies!

Today’s post is going to be a little bit different because today I will be sharing with you My Top 5 Christian reads for Women.

When I sent an email to you asking you what you would like me to talk about on the blog, one of the responses I got was ‘Christian Reads I would recommend‘. (If you still have a suggestion for me, feel free to leave it in the comments!)

So here they are!!

1. Healing the Soul of A Woman by Joyce Meyer.

I bought this book as a gift for myself for my 19th Birthday because during that time, I had a lot of wounds, I was in a season of brokenness and I was stuck.

I was sad and depressed all the time, carrying a huge burden of pain and I couldn’t talk to God neither could I hear Him. It was a big struggle for me and I needed help.

Immediately, the image of this book popped in my head (I had seen it on previous ocassions), searched for it on Jumia and ordered it.

I got it cause I was stuck and I needed guidance on how to get unstuck. 

I needed the space to just be broken and be met by a Good God who He sees me, hears me and Heals all my wounds. 

Slowly by slowly, I began to get restored. The pain easened till I could no longer fill the burden. And at the same time, I drew important lessons from the book that I can apply in future situations.

So sis, if you’re looking to overcome your emotional wounds, I recommend you get this book.

~Where to get it: Any TextBook Centre Branch/Keswick Bookshop/Amazon

2. Understanding the Purpose & Power of a Woman by Dr.Myles Munroe

In the Identity Workbook (you can find this FREE Workbook on the ‘Tools and Freebies‘ page), I share that in order to fulfill our purpose, we must know who we are.

But then, how can you know your purpose?

This book answers this question.

The late Dr. Myles Munroe tackles this topic with so much grace and wisdom as he explores how we as women were made by God, our characteristics/attributes and what our purpose is. He also sheds light on our power as women in just being who God created us to be and living that out. He talks about our needs as women paying key attention to our emotional needs and sexuality, drawing comparisons between what women need and what men need such as a woman needs love while a man needs respect.

I recommend that every woman should read this book to truly understand her purpose and to begin to walk in it.

~Where to get it: Any TextBook Centre Branch/Keswick Bookshop/Amazon

3. Sex, Purity and the Longing of a Girl's Heart by Kristen Clark & Bethany Beal, Founders of Girl Defined Ministries.

In a world where the both the view & practice of sex has been distorted, Kristen and Bethany take the time to explore what God’s design for sex is and how we can step into & live out that design. They also take the time to speak to the struggles that we as women go through but rarely talk about such as porn, masturbation, lust and impure thoughts and point us to the savior of our souls and how we can overcome and gain victory in this areas.

The book is filled with truth, insights and practical tools to help you in this area of sex & purity, and to discover the beauty and freedom of God-defined sexuality, whether you are struggling or not.

I highly recommend that every lady should read this book.

~Where to get it: Amazon 

4. A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George

In this book, Elizabeth George breaks down what it is to be a woman after God’s own Heart: A woman who seeks after God,  who lays her life before him in total surrender and follows His will.

She breaks down what it is to pursue God and to have a heart devoted to Him as well as the pursuit of God’s priorities such as her home, husband, children and herself and what it looks like to practice such priorities.

It is an insightful book with key biblical principles, spaces to take notes & journal and it is written in a manner suited to who we are as women. If you have been wondering what it really means to be such a woman, then this book is for you!

~Where you can get it: Keswick Bookshop/Amazon

5. The Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer

‘Confidence. If I just had some confidence…’

Sis, that’s what this book is all about: Confidence.

But it’s not what you think confidence is or what society tells you is ‘confident’.

A Confident woman is one who positively does what she can do and does not worry about what she can’t do. She focuses on growing her strengths and trying to overcome her weaknesses…A confident woman is one who knows she is loved unconditionally by God and does not fear being unloved…”

This are just but a few lessons drawn from the book where there are so much more.

If you would like to start living boldly and without fear, rooted in God’s truth and love, then this book is definitely for you!

~Where to get it: Any TextBook Centre Branch/Keswick Bookshop/Amazon

I hope that these recommendations will spur you on and that they will help you through your journey and whatever season you’re in right now. 

Also, to share this these recommended reads with a fellow sister, click the icons below!

If you have any questions concerning the books mentioned above, feel free to leave them in the comments down below!

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My name is Renee, the founder of and main content creator for UnScripted.

Thank you so much for stopping by and I pray you get encouraged and your faith is stirred while you’re here, as we are here to empower you to be the woman God wants you to be.

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